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the EMC E20-840 test training
1. Your customer wants to add custom defined fields to the ControlCenter database for Asset tracking.
How are these fields defined?
A. Via an ODBC connection to the database
B. XML import into the ControlCenter Repository
C. Directly into the console by right clicking the object
D. Use the Administration section on the StorageScope interface
Answer: B
2. A customer is using BMC Patrol Enterprise Manager as their alert notification application and they want to integrate ControlCenter into the framework. Some of the equipment in the environment supports SNMP V2, which is the customer's preference. This equipment is currently being monitored by ControlCenter, but alerts are being forwarded by direct SNMP traps. What would cause you to continue to send direct SNMP traps to BMC PEM for this equipment?
A. Not all ControlCenter alerts can be forwarded by the Gateway Agent
B. Gateway Agent can only be installed on a Windows server
C. ControlCenter Integration Gateway Agent supports only SNMP V1 traps
D. Firewall between the ControlCenter managed objects and the ControlCenter server
Answer: C
How are these fields defined?
A. Via an ODBC connection to the database
B. XML import into the ControlCenter Repository
C. Directly into the console by right clicking the object
D. Use the Administration section on the StorageScope interface
Answer: B
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2. A customer is using BMC Patrol Enterprise Manager as their alert notification application and they want to integrate ControlCenter into the framework. Some of the equipment in the environment supports SNMP V2, which is the customer's preference. This equipment is currently being monitored by ControlCenter, but alerts are being forwarded by direct SNMP traps. What would cause you to continue to send direct SNMP traps to BMC PEM for this equipment?
A. Not all ControlCenter alerts can be forwarded by the Gateway Agent
B. Gateway Agent can only be installed on a Windows server
C. ControlCenter Integration Gateway Agent supports only SNMP V1 traps
D. Firewall between the ControlCenter managed objects and the ControlCenter server
Answer: C
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