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Designing and Developing Enterprise Applications Using Csharp
1. You are an enterprise application developer. You are creating a client/server application. You need to
install the application on the company network.
The client/server application must meet the following criteria:
·The server component is a class library that is created by using the .NET Framework
·The client comonent and the server component must communicate by using a binary protocol.
·The fewest possible ports are opened between the client component and the server component
You need to identify a technology that permits the server to communicate with the client component
through the TCP/IP protocol.
Which technology should you use?
A. Message Queuing
B. .NET Remoting
C. Web services
Answer: B
2. You are an enterprise application developer. You are creating an application that will track shipments.
This application must support integration with applications that run on different platforms and operating
systems. The application that you are creating can be invoked only through SOAP messages over HTTP.
You choose Web services instead of .NET Remoting to meet these requirements.
You need to specify the reason for choosing Web services.
Which statement should influence your decision?
A. SOAP messages cannot be exchanged in .NET Remoting.
B. Web Services Description Language documents cannot be generated from .NET Remoting class
C. .NET Remoting objects will not be interoperable with other platforms.
D. .NET Remoting objects cannot be invoked through HTTP.
Answer: C
install the application on the company network.
The client/server application must meet the following criteria:
·The server component is a class library that is created by using the .NET Framework
·The client comonent and the server component must communicate by using a binary protocol.
·The fewest possible ports are opened between the client component and the server component
You need to identify a technology that permits the server to communicate with the client component
through the TCP/IP protocol.
Which technology should you use?
A. Message Queuing
B. .NET Remoting
C. Web services
Answer: B
Everyone, whether he has the experience for Microsoft certification 70-549(Csharp) pdf exam can easily get high marks with our study guides. We provide you the most important points that is no need for you to wasting much time on attending the expensive training class.
2. You are an enterprise application developer. You are creating an application that will track shipments.
This application must support integration with applications that run on different platforms and operating
systems. The application that you are creating can be invoked only through SOAP messages over HTTP.
You choose Web services instead of .NET Remoting to meet these requirements.
You need to specify the reason for choosing Web services.
Which statement should influence your decision?
A. SOAP messages cannot be exchanged in .NET Remoting.
B. Web Services Description Language documents cannot be generated from .NET Remoting class
C. .NET Remoting objects will not be interoperable with other platforms.
D. .NET Remoting objects cannot be invoked through HTTP.
Answer: C
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